I’ve Forgotten How to People

Nancy Friedman
8 min readMar 29, 2022

Life is supposedly getting back to normal. I’m not sure I’m ready for it.

Scientific drawing of a flea
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Last night at dinner, my friend Sharon told me about fleas. Fleas, she told me, when put in a jar with a lid, will at first bonk themselves against the lid while they’re jumping around. But pretty quickly, they learn where the lid is, and start limiting the height of their jumps to the inside of the jar. No more bonking. But here’s the interesting part: when the lid is removed, the fleas still won’t fly out of the jar, because they’ve conditioned themselves to stay within the confines they’ve defined.

Who would have thought I’d identify with a flea?

It’s not the jumping — ask anyone, my athletic skills are sorely lacking. It’s not that they’re annoying. Though my kids might beg to differ. It’s not even their surprising ability to learn and adapt, lest they all get flea sized concussions. It’s — you guessed it — the fleas’ self-imposed limitations, even after the lid is lifted. I’m the flea, the lid is COVID, and someone keeps taking the lid off and putting it back on, right when I’m contemplating just how high to jump.

I’m guessing this flea analogy is totally made up — a life lesson just ready for a motivational poster featuring an impossibly cute (if itchy) cat wearing a backwards-facing baseball hat. I’m assuming it’s just one of those tropes…



Nancy Friedman

Just another Neurotic New Yorker bumbling along The Road to F*ck it as I navigate life with a lot of angst, a touch of humor, and a teeny bit of Botox.